: DAPUR MAMAH DINI - Invest Bandung


Jl. Suryalaya XVI No. 7 Kelurahan Cijagra Kecamatan Lengkong Kota Bandung


Business Description

Dapur Mamah Dini is a dry food that is very practical for anyone to consume, and is very liked by various groups both young and old, the products are Mustofa, Fried Onions, Various Sambal, and Shredded Tongkol.

This product can also be a snack or a side dish for a meal, the sweet and savory crunchy taste makes it difficult for customers to move because it tastes good. The licenses owned are very complete starting from Business Identification Number (NIB), Home Industry Food (PIRT), Halal, Nutrition Fact / Quality Test, and HAKI.


Business Development Plan

The owner, Mrs. Dini Eka Putri has aspirations to develop her business, namely to have a souvenir shop for Bandung products typical of Dapur Mamah Dini, a special production site which is currently a production site still joined with a household kitchen, as well as more modern production machines and has a large capacity to support the manufacture of products.

Project Classification

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME)

Kecamatan Lengkong ico-vefified-1

Member Since Nov 2020

Value: Rp600.000.000

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