: Wholesale & Retail Trade - Invest Bandung

Wholesale & Retail Trade

The wholesale and retail trade sector, repair and maintenance of cars and motorcycles is one sector that has a potential winner or survives the COVID-19 pandemic and is the leading sector in the entire Bandung city area.


Currently the wholesale and retail trade sector, repair and maintenance of cars and motorcycles, are highly dependent on external factors, namely the distribution of goods because most of the goods traded are not produced in the city.

The wholesale and retail trade, repair and maintenance of cars and motorcycles in Bandung City controls 23 percent of the market share, which is also the highest in West Java.

Sector Economic Growth and Investment Value

Based on data from the BPS for the City of Bandung in 2020, the value of GRDP in the wholesale and retail trade, repair and maintenance of cars and motorcycles has fluctuated. This sector experienced an increase in the GRDP figure from 2018 to 2019, but in 2020 it decreased by 18.3 percent.

Companies that are business actors in this sector include Griya Department Stores, Indomarco, Borma Toserba, Paris van Java, Toyota, Honda, Suzuki, Yamaha, Kawasaki and others.

List of Investment Opportunities

Sumur Bandung
Value :  Rp302.000.000.000
Bandung Kulon
Value :  Rp17.900.000.000
Value :  Rp20.300.000.000

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