: Agriculture - Invest Bandung


The agricultural sectors are not included in the leading sectors in the city of Bandung. In meeting food needs, the city of Bandung is supported by the surrounding districts.

Based on the Bandung City RDTR, the direction of agricultural development in Cibiru and Ujungberung Districts is the concept of Sustainable Agricultural Food Land (LP2B).

The agricultural sector will survive as the sector that is most needed because it is related to basic needs (food). The sub-sectors included in this sector include crop farming, animal husbandry, hunting and related activities (ybdi), forestry management and logging and fisheries.


The limited green land in the city of Bandung is indeed a challenge for the development of this sector. However, this sector continues to survive and is starting to rise in line with people's interest in food security from their respective homes.

Sector Economic Growth

From an economic perspective, the trend in the value of GRDP in the agricultural sector for the past three years has decreased, from 2018 to 2020, reaching its peak in 2018, which amounted to Rp. 189 trillion. This sector contributes to GRDP by 0.11 percent.

Some agricultural businesses in the city of Bandung are still small in scale. There are farmer groups who have started to develop hobbies on the available land, including a farmer group in Antapani, namely Jasmine. In addition, there are also start-ups engaged in agriculture such as We Grow, Habibi Garden, City Farmers, Farming Arts, etc. But still on a small scale.


List of Investment Opportunities

Ujung Berung
Value :  Rp10.000.000.000

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