Based on its geographical position, Andir Sub-district has the following boundaries: North - Cicendo Sub-district; South - Bojongloa Kaler Sub-district and Babakan Ciparay Sub-district; West - Cimahi City; East - Sumur Bandung Sub-district. Andir Sub-district is located at an altitude of approximately 700 meters above sea level (above sea level).
The area of Andir Sub-district is 3.71 km2 which is divided into 6 villages, namely: Campaka Village, Maleber Village, Garuda Village, Dungus Cariang Village, Ciroyom Village, and Kebon Jeruk Village. The largest Kelurahan is Kelurahan Kebon Jeruk with an area of 0.8 km2. The kelurahan with the smallest area is Kelurahan Garuda, which has an area of 0.45 km2.
Based on data from the Bandung City Population and Civil Registration Office, as of 2023, the population of Andir Sub-district reached around 99 thousand people with a sex ratio of 99. This shows a balance between the number of men and women.
With an area of approximately 3.71 km², Andir Sub-district has a population density of 26,760 people/km2. This indicates a high population density. The dependency rate in Andir sub-district is 43.52, indicating the economic burden borne by the productive age population in supporting the non-productive age population (children and elderly).
Kecamatan Andir shows dynamic demographic characteristics with a growing population and high density. The balanced sex ratio, relatively low dependency rate, and age distribution dominated by the productive-age population indicate strong economic potential.
The three main sectors in Kecamatan Andir include trade and repair, manufacturing, and finance and insurance.
In Andir Sub-district, the development of a movement network is planned in the form of a passenger terminal called Terminal Ciroyom, the reactivation of the BandungTanjungsari railway line, and an airport development plan in the form of a flight path (runway) and Flight Operation Safety Area (KKOP).
Andir Sub-district has a Tolerance Village Tourism which is located in RW 08 Kebon Jeruk Village. This Tolerance Village has a diverse background of residents, especially from the religion they adhere to. This is also evidenced by the existence of four houses of worship from each religion.