: Cinambo - Invest Bandung



Cinambo sub-district is included in Ujungberung SWK. With an area of ​​3.68 km2 and a population of 25,101 people (1.04% of the total population of Bandung City), this sub-district has a density of 6,892 people/km2.

As of 2019 the population of Cinambo Subdistrict was recorded at 25,101 people, consisting of 12,328 women and 12,773 men. With 2 villages, namely Babakan Penghulu Village and Sukamulya Village.

In Cinambo sub-district there are five state-owned commercial banks, four private banks, and three cooperatives.

Main Sector

Three main sectors located in Cinambo District include the manufacturing sector, wholesale and retail trade and corporate services. The industrial sector, especially the processing industry, is spread over two urban villages, while the trade sector is spread across all urban villages and is close to the Ujung Berung market and Ubertos mall (Ujungberung Town Square). 


List of Investment Opportunities

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