: Arcamanik - Invest Bandung



Arcamanik District, with a total area of ​​6.07 km2, consists of four sub-districts, namely: Cirasaranten Kulon, Cisaranten Binaharapan, Sukamiskin, and Cisaranten Indah.

As of 2021, the total Arcamanik population is recorded at 79,731 people, consisting of 39,945 women and 39,786 men. 

There are several iconic and historic places or buildings in Arcamanik. Among them are the Sukamiskin Prison and a racecourse which has now changed into the West Java Sports Development Center (Sport) or more popular among the public as the Arcamanik Sports Center (GOR).



There are still paddy fields in Arcamanik. The area is recorded at 11.4 hectares. Paddy fields are scattered in every sub-district, except for Sukamiskin.

In the trade sector, there were only 15 shopping groups, 18 mini-markets or supermarkets, 17 shopping groups and 20 restaurants.

In Arcamanik District there is a film village called Kampung Film Balck Team. The film village has programs for making films, screening or showing films, film creative villages as well as screening film reviews or discussions about film. Arcamanik District is also famous for its catapult community, apart from that there are also shadow puppet businessmen.


List of Investment Opportunities

Value :  Rp500.000.000

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